Russian Town is a Russian magazine based in Atlanta, Georgia. It is the ONLY free Russian-language publication printed and distributed in the Atlanta metro area for the growing Russian-speaking population which posting every printed edition online. This gives RussianTown a clear advantage because it has exclusive access to an entire segment of the Atlanta population that needs to be reached: the Russian-speaking residents.

What does this mean to you? In your business’s eyes, RussianTown means growth and success! The Russian media in Atlanta has a very large market, and up until now it has been largely overlooked and literally ignored. Many businesses don’t realize that in order to infiltrate local markets, you must win over the loyalty of local people. RussianTown Magazine caters to the Russian-speaking community in Atlanta and Georgia with virtually no competition.
Why is this important?
You can clearly see the possibilities by simply looking at the numbers. The number of Russian-speaking people in Atlanta is around 70,000, and it is quickly growing. Russian advertising in Atlanta is very important to the people that speak this language, and businesses need to realize that marketing to Russian-speaking community can boost their success. RussianTown is offered to consumers at no cost, which allows your advertising to reach more people with no hassle or risk to the consumer. As business people, we understand that the more people that see our advertising, the higher your sales volumes can reach. Russian media in Georgia is necessary with the number of large communities in the area that are growing at records speeds. You should reach out and become a part of them.
Why do consumers choose Russian Town?
RussianTown covers news, politics, culture, sports, health, technology, and history from not only Russia and the United States, but the entire world! Consumers love getting this information from one source that they can easily understand, and RussianTown does this for a specialized segment of the Atlanta population. We first began publishing RussianTown in March 2003. Since then, it has been chosen the #1 ranked magazine of this genre every year since by its loyal readers. Just as every other community in Atlanta needs your products and services, Russian-speaking people need you as well. Let RussianTown make your presence known to a community that seeks businesses to become loyal to!