Russian immigration to Atlanta started back in the 1970’s when the first wave of Russian-speaking immigrants came here. The population has been on the rise ever since.
Why have people chosen to come to Atlanta?There are many reasons and circumstances which have led to the population growth in this city including: people relocating for work, business ventures,

and families looking for a great place to raise their children and enjoy life at a reasonable cost of living. There are colleges and universities here that have attracted Russian-speaking students. Some Russian-speaking women came here for their American husbands, and we must take into account the people who won their green cards by participating in the Diversity Visa Lottery.
Many people with extraordinary abilities have migrated here with the Visa O-1, including, but not limited to, the fields of science, medicine, education and art.
Russian-speaking community can be described as some of the most highly paid in the country, and more than 55% of the Russian-speaking families living in the USA have an income averaging $55,000 per year. These are large Russian-speaking communities in Atlanta and Georgia. Russian media in Atlanta is a necessity to assist these people in their transitions and quality of life.
Within one to three years of living in America, 57% of families buy their own homes. What does that tell us? We are stable, hard-working people who are driven with not only the need to survive, but to live and thrive. Russian people are consumers and successful businesspeople. They need everything from cars to doctors; accountants to insurance agents; realtors to photographers. They are in need of Russian media in Atlanta, which provides them information and advertising.
Our Russian magazine in Atlanta and Georgia is the perfect place to attract attention to your business. With these staggering figures, there should be no question why Russian advertising in Atlanta is so important.
RussianTown will allow over 60,000 Russian-speaking consumers to find your business.